Conquering My Fears Affirmation

I listen to my inner voice today. I listen to my fears so that I may find ways to comfort myself in healthy ways. As I go through the day and I feel fear come into my heart I say “hello fear, I love you fear. I am here to discover new ways to soothe my fears with kindness and compassion. I accept my fears as the perfect fears for me.” Looking at my fears & weaknesses allows me to let go of the habits that no longer serve me and adopt new habits that help my body thrive.

I realize that everyone has fears. Which makes it easier to accept that I am normal even when I am scared. I walk through my fears which builds my confidence. As I conquer my fears one by one my heart expands with joy. I am capable of being stronger, smarter, kinder, and calmer. I focus on what I can contribute and all good comes to me easily. The more I give with an open heart the more the Universe gives me.

I trust that I am well cared for by my creator. I have faith that everything always works out for the best for me causing every cell of my being to relax. I create peace in my mind and I draw to me peaceful people, peaceful situations, peaceful conversations, and new opportunities to create peace in my heart.

I am a faithful child of Universal Love and Universal Love feels hopeful when I am composed & confident.



Stephanie Cerins Happiness Enhancer & Author

Stephanie has been studying the “Art of Happiness” for 40+ years. Her goal is to Cheer Up The Planet! Being Happy Is A Daily Choice! Join Her to Be Joyful!