Curious About What Is Going On In My World

When I was in school in history class my teachers taught me to be wary of what my governments were doing at all times. (I graduated in 1983 by the skin of my teeth. That is a whole new story for another time. LOL LOL LOL) To pay attention to what is going on around me is a healthy way to live. All animals in the wild are paying attention to what is going on around them all the time so the animals are safe and know where to get the food and water the animals need.

As I see what is going on in my world about how so many people I love are so upset at their families and friends over the pandemic, politics, what gender is (I just gave my forehead a smack LOL) and life in general. I was taught in school that the US government worked to divide and conquer the First Nations people. The US government killed the buffalo in the thousands to ruin one of the food supplies of the First Nations People. A man made food crisis. It seems like in my life right now the government is dividing my friends, my family and my community! I hear the government is limiting the amount of nitrogen fertilizers available to farmers in many countries in the world. Here is just one story. (We need to reduce farms and cows to reduce pollution? WTF! What about industry!) Here is just one article of many

I sense a repeating story how about YOU?

I was told to be ever watchful that the government may try to take away my rights that are given to me by Universal Love. And before my very eyes that happened to me. My rights to travel, go to church, work, gather, and shop were restricted or removed all together. I am amazed that I was also taught that most people will just sit by and watch the abuse happening in their communities and even join in on the abuse. In WWII the Germans decided that Jews were dirty even calling the Jewish people a virus! This is interesting what I found online. So it is interesting in present time people who chose not to take an experimental vaccine they were called the cause of the problem! I am feel like I am reliving a past my grandparents lived through! OMG!

I am going to use my imagination to create the world I want to live in. In my “Great Reset” everyone grows a garden nourished by poop from farm animals that live the best life possible for each animal on the farm. So that each being on the farm and in the community are excited to wake up and co-create with their neighbours. The humans revere the animals, plants, dirt, and water as sacred. Humans revere other humans as sacred in my “Great Reset”. It is up to me to do all I can to create a new peaceful world by being peaceful, resourceful, and helpful. I am going to do my best to create a positive, healthy, and constructive story about my future and the future of Humanity. I am going to tell and retell a good story about my future and a good collective future for my community and my world.

For me I am going to just ignore what is going on in the outside world and work on something I can have a bit of influence on, my inside world. I am going to improve myself so I am ready for whatever is coming in my world.

I shall nourish my body with whole organic local food, exercise and heartfelt connections. I have power over only what I do. So I am going to do good for me, my family, and my community. I choose to find new ways to be useful to my family and my community and I feel safe.

Please join me in creating a healthy community for us to live in. Blessings to you all. Hugs



Stephanie Cerins Happiness Enhancer & Author

Stephanie has been studying the “Art of Happiness” for 40+ years. Her goal is to Cheer Up The Planet! Being Happy Is A Daily Choice! Join Her to Be Joyful!