Eating Real Food For A Real and Healthy Body.

I have a chance every time I shop for food to truly nourish my body mind and spirit. At my core I am a mammal and my children would suckle at my breast. There are nutrients that every mammal needs to thrive water, protein, carbohydrates & minerals. The best way to get those nutrients into my body is to eat whole food I grow or buy as local and organic as possible, prepare and eat from my home cooking kitchen. It is a privilege to have a full fridge of food I did not grow and nurture myself. I eat like a king. My father-in-law-told my husband and I once that if we had not started eating organic we would be able to buy a home on Vancouver Island, BC. We one day we will but not quite yet!

When I eat cheese from cows that have been fed properly with only grass and then the cheese is made in the traditional way my body is fed by the natural bacteria in the cheeses. My body was designed to eat bacteria. My gut microbiome needs the bacteria in order to be able to digest the cheese properly. It is important for me to eat food that has been raised properly. For the fruits and vegetables I eat to be grown with real poop that has bacteria the soil needs to transfer the nutrients from the soil into the plant. For the cows I eat to be fed only grass as that is what their digestive system needs to build the proper nutrients in the milk.

All bodies on the planet are made to eat certain stuff us humans. When I eat cheese from cows fed on regular dairy farms I have awful phlegm in my throat every morning and my hands have an eczema rash on them for six to eight weeks from one good serving of organic raw milk cheese. I am so blessed there is a dairy on Vancouver Island where they know the value of kindness. They allow the calves to suckle from the mother cow until she has had enough of nursing and the calves are allowed to grow up on the farm and hang out with their moms. The cows make better milk when they calves are around which allows my body to be able to digest the milk and I am able to eat the raw milk cheese the Cowichan Station Creamery creates every day! They say I am their best customer. Blush, Blush. :~) Here is a link to their website and Farm info.

I am grateful every day that I am able to have raw milk cheese back into my diet on a daily basis as I am gluten free, dairy free except for the Cowichan Station Creamery. So my limited eating plan has been improved immensely from their dedication to traditional and sustainable farming. My prayer is that all dairy farmers farm like this again one day.

My body is made to eat food that as a bit of bacteria on it as the human species has evolved with bacteria. Bacteria is my friend. There are as many bacteria in my body as the rest of the cells in my body that make me human. When my body is healthy the immune cells in my body work with the bacteria I eat using what is beneficial and excreting the detrimental cells.

I am blessed to acknowledge and act on the information that I am able to effect the state of my health by taking responsible for what I eat. I feel fabulous today because I have nurtured my body with healthy food for the last 30 years.

I am a well nourished child of Universal Love and Universal Love is blessed I am taking responsibility for my health and welfare.

Cowichan Station Creamery Logo :~) My favourite place to shop. ❤



Stephanie Cerins Happiness Enhancer & Author

Stephanie has been studying the “Art of Happiness” for 40+ years. Her goal is to Cheer Up The Planet! Being Happy Is A Daily Choice! Join Her to Be Joyful!