Going The Extra Mile Affirmation

May This Affirmation Bring You Comfort. :~)

One way for me to ensure my success in life is to practice the “Art of Going The Extra Mile”. I render more service than is expected of me with a pleasant attitude in my work and family life to create goodwill. It is possible for me to create a peaceful environment for myself to live in by giving my full attention to what I am doing in the moment. Each person I meet is going through some kind of emotional event. I choose to pay attention to the energy the people I meet are exuding. I have an opportunity to soothe each person I meet with kindness.

I ask meaningful questions and then give the speaker my full attention so that the person has the best chance of feeling heard. I focus on the task at hand because whether I am cleaning my home or flying a plane my full attention is needed for each moment to flow. Being present to the emotional temperature of every situation in my life helps me Go The Extra Mile.

Caring about what I am doing makes my life meaningful. Taking pride in my actions puts a spring in my step and a smile on my face. My actions matter! My thoughts matter! I am a powerful co-creator of my future! I am keenly aware of how important it is for me to care about what I do. I choose to care for the welfare of all life.

I am an attentive child of Universal Love and Universal Love is delighted when I give my all to each situation & person. :~)



Stephanie Cerins Happiness Enhancer & Author

Stephanie has been studying the “Art of Happiness” for 40+ years. Her goal is to Cheer Up The Planet! Being Happy Is A Daily Choice! Join Her to Be Joyful!