May this “Visualizing My Future Affirmation” bring you comfort. :~)

Humans are creative by nature so that means that at my core I am a creative being. It is up to me to discover what I am meant to create in this world. The world needs my talent. I perfect my skills so that I am proud of my work. My future is in my capable hands when I take personal responsibility for my life.

Every morning I spend five to ten minutes visualizing my perfect life. I forget about the life I have and just dream about my passion. I imagine myself accomplishing my goals. I do my best to create the emotions in my heart that I would really be feeling when my dreams come true. I imagine what my dream life would look like, taste like, feel like, sound like, and smell like. By making a clear mental image of my future I am able to communicate my hopes to Universal Love and my angels so they are able to assist me in accomplishing my dreams.

Then when I rise in the morning I take concrete action in the direction of my intentions. My heart feels delight as I do my taxes, wash the windows, write my next book, cure my next client, fix the next car, or play the next song. In my future I am happy and content so today I practice being happy and content in this moment. My heart swells with contentment as I accomplish my goals.

I am a responsible child of Universal Love and Universal Love created me to be creative. :~) delighted



Stephanie Cerins Happiness Enhancer & Author

Stephanie has been studying the “Art of Happiness” for 40+ years. Her goal is to Cheer Up The Planet! Being Happy Is A Daily Choice! Join Her to Be Joyful!