My Heart Is Done

I Learned I Need To Love Me First!

Morgan was sitting on the pink porcelain toilet, in her pink dated, run

down bathroom, pretending to be ill, it must have been around 3am.

Her husband Jeffery was in a frustrated mood again. Jeffery was not

someone she wanted mad at her. He was muscular. Jeffery had

studied Martial Arts for years to try and control his rage, he failed

miserably. He took his frustrations out on her more often than she

enjoyed. It felt as if he was going to start slapping her around again

at any moment. She hoped with every cell of her being that by

feigning illness Jeffery’s outrage would somehow magically turn into


This was the fourth time in two weeks that she would be enduring

Jeffery’s physical and emotional wrath. She was getting tired of

being his emotional and physical whipping post. After seven years of

marriage she could tell by how Jeffery was silently sulking, pacing

back and forth and muttering to himself, that he was working himself

up emotionally, in his mind and that he may be exploding again, any

second. Morgan hoped she was wrong as she sat quietly on the


A few moments later her thoughts were interrupted as Jeffery came

through the bathroom door with a look on his face that struck

Morgan’s heart with a sense of dread. He said, “Do you realize that

by wearing pants to our housekeeping job today you were letting

the man of the house know that you wanted to have sex with him?”

Remember how I told you “men get turned on when you wear pants?”

The next thing she knew Jeffery had grabbed a towel off the shower

rod. What is he doing with that towel she wondered? Well, she

found out moments later when he started whipping her over and over

again. She could feel her back burning as the towel struck her

repeatedly. She was hiding her face between her knees. She was

devastated. Her ruse of being sick had not worked. Jeffery must

have whipped her about 30 times before he stopped. Morgan loved

him so much, after all he had answered her prayers by giving her

body orgasms at the age of 29, she would do anything for him. Why

would he not trust her intentions at all? She was beyond frustrated.

Jeffery stood over her, spouting accusations that she had wanted to

have sex with the wrinkly 84-year-old man they had cleaned for

earlier that day because she wore pants!

She remembered talking to Jeffery about her choice of clothing that

morning. Morgan had said to Jeffery “I just want to let you know all

my skirts are dirty. So I want to ask you if you are ok if I wear these

jeans to work today?” Jeffery replied “You know I do not approve of

you wearing pants to our cleaning jobs.” “Yes, I do” said Morgan.

Then Morgan said, “Well would you be ok with it just this one time,

as I did not get the laundry done?” Jeffery responded with a reserved

“Yes.” Morgan felt It was always a bit scary to wear pants because of

the misguided thoughts Jeffery had about pants and how they caused

erotic arousal in men.

Jeffery’s frustrated tone brought her mind back to the present. She

was doing her best to convince herself that some how she would be

ok. She repeated comforting affirmations silently in her mind; “I Love

My Life.” “I Am Worthy Of Being Loved Unconditionally.” “I Am

Lovable.” “Every Cell Of My Body Is Filled With Unconditional Love.”

The self-help books she read told her that affirmations would help her

create joyous emotions in her heart so she would draw to her life

joyous situations and people. She really wanted happy and

compassionate people in her life.

What Morgan really needed was a partner who was capable of

expressing himself in a calm and composed manner. She was

reading self-help books to figure out what it was that was wrong with

HER that she kept drawing to herself insecure and insane men?

Maybe it was her fear of being alone and making decisions that kept

her around controlling men?

She got up off the toilet and Jeffery followed her out of the washroom

continuing on with his rant about the trouble she had caused by

wearing pants that day. As Morgan walked down the hall to go back

to bed (after all it was about 3:30am by that time) Jeffery tackled her.

He was on top of her in an instant. She was, for the first time in

seven years, livid about their situation. As Jeffery sat on her torso,

holding down her arms, sternly repeating his accusations “YOU

WANTED TO SCREW THAT OLD MAN” in a ferocious voice.

As Morgan was doing her best to cope with his aggression she

thought “I bet I could rip out his windpipe.” Jeffery’s windpipe was

quite large and protruded out the front of his neck. Morgan knew she

was strong from her many years of housekeeping. She was shocked

by her thoughts! She had promised herself that she would never hit

back as hitting back was just as wrong as hitting first, it was still

hitting after all.

Then all of a sudden Morgan was visualizing her hand reaching up to

Jeffery’s windpipe, grabbing a hold of his adams apple, ripping a big

red bloody hole in the front of his neck where his adams apple use to

be and finally feeling safe because Jeffrey was dead! Right after that

thought, Morgan knew something had changed in her, she was

scared of herself and what she might do if Jeffery ever abused her

again which by now she knew was inevatible!

Jeffrey’s rage brought Morgan back to her painful reality. She

promised him again and again that she would never wear pants to a

job, only skirts or dresses. She would have agreed to almost

anything Jeffery said right then, in hopes that he would calm down

and she could get some sleep that night as she was exhausted. Her

pleading with Jeffery was working, his voice was getting calmer, less


Within another ten minutes or so Jeffery got off of her and left the

hallway in an emotional huff. Morgan was sobbing as she headed to

bed exhausted from Jeffery’s melodramatic towel and tongue-lashing

her back still felt hot! She never knew a towel could be a weapon!

As she tried to sleep her aggressive reaction played over and over

again in her mind. Morgan was disappointed in herself. She had

promised herself to always be kind and loving to Jeffery. It was an

affirmation she believed deep in her core. She must remain peaceful,

loving him and herself wholeheartedly if she was ever going to have a

loving and cooperative relationship in her life.

Morgan realized right then that she had to leave Jeffery because SHE

had changed. Her heart was beyond broken after this last event.

She had to figure out how to leave. She had to find a way to care for

herself, “to make her needs” important to her. “She must make better

choices” was the affirmation that went through her mind as she finally

drifted off to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning she was still determined to

make a positive change in her life but she had no idea how. Morgan

was now concerned for how she was wanting to respond with

violence towards Jeffery.

What if Jeffery’s abuse got so bad one night that she lost her mind

and somehow killed him? That went against everything she believed

to be sacred. She must act soon to change her life.

A few hours later Jeffery said he was going to town to pay the phone

bill. He expected Morgan to join him. They went everywhere

together. At first she had loved that about their relationship as she

was afraid to be alone, but now it just seemed like some weird control

tactic. So they got into her classic 1966 gold Plymouth Fury to go to

town and pay their cell phone bill.

They drove to town in silence as the emotions from the night before

were thick in the air. Morgan’s thoughts were whirling. How was she

going to save herself from the insanity that was her marriage? The

next thing she knew they were pulling up in the parking lot of the cell

phone company. Jeffery got out of the car to go pay the phone bill

while she waited in the car hoping for a miracle.

As she sat in the car she noticed that once again Jeffery had

left the keys in the ignition. She wondered for an instant, “Why does

he always leave the keys in the ignition?” Her next thought was “here

is my chance!” Morgan slid across the long golden bench seat,

started her car and drove away. Her heart was racing, where would

she go now.

She remembered noticing a sign in town that said Domestic Services

for Families so she thought that would be a good place to start. Now

that she had left Jeffery, she would need a place to sleep tonight.

Morgan had no money so she hoped she would find a battered

women’s shelter in this small town to take her in, hopefully this would

be the last shelter she would need. She parked and left her car at a

Fish and Chip fast food restaurant. Morgan had decided that she

wanted Jeffery to have her car back so he could go and do their

window-washing job the next day. As they even worked together in

their own housekeeping business. She was secretly fantasizing

Jeffery would leave town after the job, as she had had enough of his


It was a sunny day, a great day for a walk. She strolled her five foot

nine frame the kilometer or two from the Fish and Chip place to

where she spotted the sign she remembered, Domestic Services for

Families. Morgan walked up the sidewalk. She opened the large oak

door and walked into an old Victorian building. She rang the bell on

the front counter and a pleasant looking lady appeared right away. “I

am wondering if you can tell me where the nearest battered women’s

shelter is?” asked Morgan. The lady spoke warmly “you are standing

in a battered women’s shelter, Can I help you?” Morgan replied,

“Yes, I need a safe place to be away from my husband”.

“You have come to the right place” was the receptionist’s response.

“My name is Mary.” Please come back here to the office so we can

get you registered and find you a bed.” Morgan was amazed at how

easy that was. Her prayers were answered. She was caring for

herself, exhausted and relieved that she would be safe for tonight.

Morgan asked to use the phone to call her husband and tell him

where her car was. Mary said, “Here is the phone.”

Morgan dialed their phone number. Jeffery answered “Where

are you? Where is the car?” he barked. She told him where the car

was and that she was at a shelter figuring out what to do. Morgan

kept it short saying “I cannot come home right now, because I am too

scared of myself.” “You are scared of yourself?” was Jeffery’s

puzzled reply. Yes, Morgan said. I am scared I am going to snap

one night when you wake up in a rage slapping me around and kill


Jeffery got eerily quite and said “What about the job we have together

tomorrow?” She replied “You will need to do the job by yourself or

call our clients and tell them we won’t be there. I have to keep you

and me safe.” She felt in her heart she was finally ready to start her

life over. She could feel the self-love growing in her heart and she

felt safer than she had in years. Morgan had made a decision that

was healthy for her and her alone! Woo Hoo! Her heart expanded

with self-love and self-trust! Morgan felt safe! She looked forward to

her journey of starting over with a hopeful heart.



Stephanie Cerins Happiness Enhancer & Author

Stephanie has been studying the “Art of Happiness” for 40+ years. Her goal is to Cheer Up The Planet! Being Happy Is A Daily Choice! Join Her to Be Joyful!